
Horsetail Falls Trail

It was overcast, and not the pretty kind of overcast where there’s some texture in the clouds. The sky was just a white blur. I do prefer this to clear sky and what crazy people call, “such a beautiful day,” because at least there’s a natural scrim across that giant burning ball of fire in the sky… so the colors look a lot better. Anyway, the sky was a bit overblown in some of these images.

In regard to the images, I shot most of these with the “color chrome” effect on. I’ve decided it’s a bit much but I do want to note that the colors of the raw files are even wild… it was a wild color kinda day. All images are right out of the camera… there was no added saturation, but I did crop a couple.

I was using the 28mm conversion lens for most of these, it’ll show up in the EXIF data as a 19mm lens because the Fuji X100V has an APS-C sensor… so 28 is the 35mm film equivalent focal length. I had a terrible time with autofocus, so I’m still learning the camera. It’s like the camera had no idea what to focus on… however, I was in a thrift store later in the day, and it focused perfectly. I think I’ll need to try some other settings and see what works best for nature. Manual focus works well and there’s edge highlighting to help, but when using the wide lens and the viewfinder, it’s kinda a mess.  The lens blocks half the finder… so there’s that. Anyway, here’s some under-exposed nature photos.

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I made these songs and took these pictures. Software: FL Studio Camera: Fuji X100V & random film cameras

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